Ask any professional organizer what an organized office looks like and you'll generally get the same answer:
"Whatever works for the client."
And that's true for my professional organizing firm, too. If something's not broke, then there's no need to fix it. But while some clients don't need any desk or office organization, many need a complete overhaul or at least some selective help with things like desktop organization, digital organizing, office memorabilia, old-school paper management, dealing with scanning, business card collections, storing architectural drawings, household files, business filings and tax records.
Again, if it's not broke, then there no need to fix it.
Trump Office Tour
Case in point, Donald Trump. The Republican Presidential candidate proudly and rightfully shows off his Trump Tower business offices. In this Wall Street Journal interview, Trump shines when he surrounds himself with his vast memorabilia. We think he handles the opening comments well when Journalist Monica Langley opens up the conversation with the opening line "This office is all you. And it's a little bit junky." Check out the interview video from September 2015:
If the video doesn't load, click here for the WSJ video piece
From The Desk of Donald Trump:
Some clients just love to surround themselves with the things they love, and the totality of those items creates a powerful emotion. But it's a fact that Trump also believes that a messy desk is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it's a part of his success. Check out this fascinating interview from 2011.
Here is a transcript of Trump's desktop philosophy. If you need the desk interview link, click here.
“Many people have been asking about my desk, and the fact that I have so many papers on my desk. It’s actually very neat. I know where everything is. But if you look around, I mean, there’s a lot of stuff. The fact is, I’m busy. I always notice that busy people, people that are very successful in many cases, have a lot going on on their desk. I have papers from deals, I have papers from just about everything. I like to read up on things. I like to study what I’m doing. So, therefore, you have a lot of action going on your office. Now, some of the writers, some of the ones that aren’t so smart, they talk about the desk negatively. They say, “Oh, isn’t it terrible, Trump has so many papers on his desk, let’s analyze everything on the desk,” and they do the best, and they fail. But the fact is, I’ve noticed over the years, successful people have a lot going on on their desk. My desk is in my office, my desk is a very important part of me, and frankly it’s a very important part of my success. Everything I do comes right through this desk. So, if it’s not perfectly neat, if there’s a lot of action, I think that’s okay. I actually think that’s a good thing.”
Questions or Comments?
Politics aside, what are your thoughts on a messy desk, or a so-called junky office? What organizing tips would you give to Donald J. Trump? Let us know here in the comment section or you can tweet us @johntrosko on Twitter. You can also check John out on Instagram (@johntrosko).
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