How cool would it be to gather 100 experts from all over the world to pool their collective wisdom on fitness, relationship, sex life, self-esteem, career, finances and life in general?
That's what FHM Magazine did for their current September 2011 issue, on newsstands now. We were interviewed recently for a feature article on self improvement for men: 100 Micro-Improvements: A Year To Perfection. The whole piece is chock full easily implementable advice, small things you can do to make your life easier and happier.
Our Small Yet Mighty Quote:
"Buy a spice rack and cut what you spend on takeaways by 66%. John Trosko, a professional organiser in Los Angeles ( says that surveys have proven men to be three times more likely to cook if they have their own set of spices."
Here's a snapshot of our mention:
FHM Magazine is a popular UK men's lifestyle magazine focusing on sex, relationships, sports, and pictures of scantily clad women already famous for reasons other than their beauty. :-) This month's cover features MTV's sultry Irish reporter Laura Whitmore.
There are a total of 100 incredible, witty tips in the 10-page article. To get those tips, pick up a copy of FHM at most major newsstands that stock UK publications.
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