AMC's critically acclaimed Mad Men has more going for it other than great actors and terrific scripts.
It's quickly become a hit gathering awards for its historical authenticity and visual style of mid-century 1950's design. What's particularly interesting to hear today is that one of the stars of the show (in real life) dumped all his belongings recently to live a simpler life.
According to the New York Daily News, Vincent Kartheiser (above left), who plays Peter Dyckman "Pete" Campbell, has radically downsized his home to next to nothing:
"In an interview with London's Guardian, Kathheiser says he decided reject life's little luxuries, including a car and a lavatory, after going to "Golden Globes type events." The actor started giving all the free gifts he got to friends and charity stores, because he didn't want them."
"I liked it so I didn't stop," he tells the British newspaper. "Like, I don't have a toilet at the moment. My house is just a wooden box... I threw it all out."
We've always toyed with the notion of "throwing it all away." In fact, there is a certain "less if more" organizing philosophy. In the system, absolutely no organization system is necessary because you have such a minimal amount of possessions. You don't need fancy containers, boxes, bins or labels because you live such a minimalistic life. For the record, we have indeed worked with clients who maintain a extraordinary minimal standard of living.
So what do you think? Is living like it's 1960 do-able? Certainly Kartheiser does not have children. And at age 30, he can still afford to make a statement. Share your thoughts below!
image above courtesy Famooz
Read More:'Mad Men' star Vincent Kartheiser has given away most of his worldly goods, including a toilet (New York Daily News)