Forget your key baskets, buckets and bowls, a new product is on the market to help you get organized and find your keys.
We were shopping for a client at Dick Blick Art Materials in Hollywood today and found this miraculous new chewing gum from Pittsfield, Maine-based Blue Q sitting at the check out. The box boldly said:
- Instantly remember where you left your keys!
- Find missing socks!
- Locate buried treasure!
We were all over Remember Where You Left Your Keys Gum, with its "intense memory stimulating mint" - couldn't wait to get home and try a piece, or two - and see if it worked. After all, Hollywood does seem to be the quick fix capital of the World. So why not try it? Anyway, love the fine print on the package:
Warning: If you have wrongly accused someone of touching your keys, now is the time to apologize. A small gift is appropriate.
What tips do you have for readers to find their keys? Do you know if there is a science behind chewing that stimulates memory? Does mint make you less forgetful? Can gum really replace using a simple hook by the front door? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Buy the Gum: