Leave it to Los Angeles-based Health Net to present what seems like solid medical evidence that being organized encourages less daily stress, a sense of optimism, less overwhelm, reduced time pressure and a more harmonious home and office environment. Read the article by clicking here.
The study, coordinated by Ian Shaffer, M.D., chief medical officer and staff of MHN, Health Net's behavioral health subsidiary, says the energy needed to clean and dust not only provides a portion of the physical activity we need daily, but provides a "bounty" of other benefits. Shaffer points to three:
Reduced time pressure:
"Among the greatest sources of stress is time pressure, i.e., so much to do, so little time. While being organized doesn't add hours to the day, it does enable you to make the most of the 24 hours in each day. Organized individuals don't waste time wondering what work project is due when, or where a needed item -- from an unpaid bill to an uncashed check -- might be hiding. The time saved can be spent on any number of stress-busting activities, such as exercising or preparing a healthy meal."
Disorganization makes it hard to see things in their components:
"Failing to see the parts leads to a few of the whole that can be very overwhelming and at times will lead to immobilization and people failing to act and move forward."
No disorganization domino effect:
"As a general rule, disorganization creates a ripple effect, impacting not only the offender, but also those around him or her. If you're disorganized, the fallout can extend to family, friends as well as co-workers, and a tension-filled environment can become the order of the day. Conversely, while organization doesn't guarantee harmony and happiness, it unquestionably helps."
This is probably the most interesting piece of medical evidence we've ever seen in the past few years. Health Net is among the nation's largest publicly traded managed health care companies. For an organization to provide opinion on the subject validates our work and what many professional organizers around the Globe preach about daily. Bravo Health Net!
Image of cartwheel man at Getty Center Brentwood courtesy DRGANDY on Flickr
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Spring Cleaning Spruces up Your Home and Helps Your Mental Health Shine
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