This next post may not rock your world, but it's always interesting to see new products, especially when the products may have been transfered from industrial to residential use.
RotaBob rotary closet racks seem to be gaining consumer momentum, thanks to an upcoming appearance on "Today's Family" on the ABC Family Channel. The units are an import from China, and distributed by a company in Palm Springs, CA. They hold numerous garments and you manually pull the "closet" to get to your clothes. They're supposed to be highly efficient in a small space, holding over 100 garments. Prices start around $600 bucks.
The show will feature the Rotabob in the segment "America's Most Innovative Closet Solutions."
See a video of Rotobob by clicking here. It's worth two seconds of your time. There are some better pictures in an eBay closed auction (click here to see the pictures).
We love any closet that has fresh flowers, a chandelier, and a Plasma (see picture, above right).
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