People think the "personal organization" craze is new. It's not.
The year is 1976. Everyone wore bell bottoms, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak form Apple Computer, Alex Haley releases Roots, Nissin Foods introduces Oodles of Noodles, the US celebrates the Bicentennial and Jimmy Carter is elected our 39th President.
For those that care, our Stalwart leader John Trosko was in third grade elementary class organizing his Legos.
We haven't seen the movie Taxi Driver in years, which was also released in 1976. But this past Saturday, we caught the film on AMC. Robert De Nero and Cybill Shephard sipped hot coffee in that Columbus Circle cafe, and we fell over in our chair when Travis told Betsy that he needed "to get organized."
Travis: I know what you mean. I've got the same problems. I gotta get organized. Oh little things, like my apartment, my possessions. I should get one of those signs that says 'One of these days I'm gonna get organizized.'
Betsy: You mean 'organized'?
Travis: Organiziezed. Organiziezed - it's a joke. O-R-G-A-N-E-Z-I-E-Z-D.
Betsy: Oh, you mean 'Organizized'. Like those little signs they have in offices that say "Thimk".
Taxi Driver was directed by Martin Scorsese and also stars Albert Brooks and Jodie Foster, who was only 13 when the film was released.
Can you think of a "Great Moment" in Organization History? Come on now, join the conversation. You know you want to.
- Source: Wikiquote