Simona Mainini operates a consulting business just like we do, in private homes and offices here in Southern California.
The Beverly Hills-based Feng Shui consultant has one advantage over us: she was hired by the Los Angeles Zoo to "ensure three endangered monkeys will have health, happiness, fertility and, of course, a strong life-force energy in their new digs."
Simona Mainini worked with Zoo officials on a $7.4 million enclosure for three rare golden monkeys set to debut there this year. Her fee for the feng shui consulting in the Golden Monkey Exhibit? $4,500.
It seems what the news reports don't tell you is that the consultant is also a licensed architect in Italy. She holds a Doctor in Architecture degree from the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy and a diploma from the School of Arts of Reggio Emilia.
Listen, upon our next feng shui request, we're calling her. The stylish new digs open this month.
So readers, what are your thoughts on this monkey business?
- Source: Daily Breeze