Ah, the thought of organizing bookkeeping and reimbursements.
I remember my days at Disney, when someone wouldn't get their expense reimbursement approved if all the "i's" weren't dotted, and "t's" tee'd. I learned how to tape receipts on four sides so the paper wouldn't get caught in the photocopy machine. I learned how to circle dates, stores, write how's and why's and keep copies of all materials that we sent to accounting on the second floor. It was a long-learning experience, not just in organization, but in learning to respond to a bookkeeper's need for paper perfection-- or else. Luckily Disney introduced SAP and things got much easier, in a way.
Those Disney days are over, and I am also happy to say, the days (and I mean days) of receipts that can accompany a big professional organizing or relocation job. Because our company has discovered NeatReceipts, through a techno-loving client.
Receipts, business cards, papers and recipes get easily scanned into one of their nifty PC-friendly machines, and quickly turns into a database, and electronic version. It's a great way to electronically organize your paper.
So you want to know more?
While we were on You Tube this weekend, we found our Client must have spilled the beans to Martha Stewart too... because she did a whole segment on Neat Receipts on Friday's show.
Here's what NeatReceipts co-founder Rafi Spero said in one of his blog entries:
"When I first came up with the idea of NeatReceipts it was really focused around expense reports. That made sense to me given my background in consulting. Expense reports were the bane of my existence…a full fledged arts and crafts experience – and trust me when I say I am not very artistic. However, we soon learned from selling at a kiosk at the Philadelphia airport, that our customers were utilizing the software to manage much more than expense reports. Our customers were educating us on how to use our software to get organized."
So readers, what have you used your NeatReceipts for lately? If you'd done a blog post about the product, let us know about so we can add it to our resources.
- Check out NeatReceipts website
- Check out NeatReceipts Blog
Hat tip to "Steve" who turned us onto this product. Steve is also our Los Feliz client who participated in the 10/06 LA Times article on 3-car garages.