I picked up the Winter 2006 O at Home Magazine not only because it had a "Get Organized" Banner along the front, but I also thought my friend Chris McKenry of Get it Together LA! was being quoted inside. So, I was wrong, about Chris-- it's next month Chris's expertise will be duly noted.
Oprah is big on lifestyle help at home. New York City online furniture importer Jane Mount and her boyfriend Darko Karas, a graphic designer created an ingenious use of space, and their use of camouflage was terrific. I especially loved how they disguised their row of freestanding IKEA closet with a photomural, and the chalkboard cupboards, pictured above. Now the couple always knows which cabinet holds the chips and dips, peas and pasta.
So, design inquiry here: would you paint your kitchen cabinets with chalk paint?