I had brunch today with some friends at the Farmer's Market, next to the Grove in Los Angeles. One of the new friends we made was our next table dining companion, musical legend Graham Nash, of Crosby, Stills & Nash. Such a treat. You'll never know what surprises lurk in casual dining.
Afterward, I discovered a treat of another kind. Cost Plus seems to have a terrific selection of storage jars. I love these retro red canisters. Made of stainless steel and powder coated, they're designed with an easy-to-open-lid and a label frame. Easy-to-open lids are important, especially if you are using glass in the bathroom. One motion to open/close something and you'll be more apt to grab and go, without making a mess. I wouldn't use these to store barley flour, but they're good for cookies, cotton balls, soaps and supplies.