Here is one highly amusing organizing tip.
Have you ever wondered what happens to items you throw out or drop-off at donation charity? Well, Las Vegas resident Jacob Smigel is recycling your trash and turning it into treasure.
Eavesdrop: a Wealth of Found Sound is a neat collection of anonymous recordings Smigel discovered at yard, garage, lawn and tag sales, as well as resale, thrift and donation centers. He sifted through dumpsters and trash bins over a four year period. The result was unaltered tracks from audio or micro-cassettes, 8-Tracks and home-recorded records. He combined clips and segments from audio diaries, tape-letters, the sound of road trips, fights, crying, family moments, telephone conversations and messages and turned it all into one amusing CD. Jason says:
"Some are funny, some are ridiculous, others make no sense. A few are so 'perfect' I can't believe I actually found them."
Of the recordings he's made available to sample, our favorite is two older women discussing the lesbian owner of Hamburger Hamlet on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles (click here to hear). So watch what you toss.
Will knowing your trash may become the next CD craze make you think twice about throwing stuff out? We hope not, but let us know your thoughts...