"Clutter creates stress and stress hastens death."
Will stacking firewood in perfect formation make you live longer?
So says today's Los Angeles Times West Magazine in their special "Forever Young" Issue. And so with that, the OrganizingLA blog is happily back to sharing our organizing adventures. If you are lucky enough to live in Southern California, check out the not-so complex algorithm to staying young: being organized.
Charlie Schroeder's article and cheeky interview Dr. Gary Small, of UCLA's Center on Aging, cites these 5 key longevity commandments. Which ones are you avoiding?
- Aerobicize the brain
- Exercise everyday
- Learn to meditate
- Get plenty of sleep
- Unclutter your workspace
Other articles in the Issue (registration required) available through 9/16/06 by clicking on these links:
- Why Not Be Perfect? By Robert Maxwell
- A Drug's Promise (or Not of Youth) by Brian Alexander
- I Didn't Feel Beautiful with Jamie Lee Curtis and Laurie Drake
- I Think That I'm Done by Laurie Drake
- I Want to Be Joan Rivers with Kathy Griffin and Laurie Drake
- I Mean, It Hurt, But... by Laurie Drake
- To Keep or Not to Keep Your Nose by Amy Wilentz