"I am a Wardrobe Consultant for TV and Commericals here in Hollywood. Can you recommend any products to hold Polaroid pictures on the outside of clothes boxes, shoes and garment bags? I've used mailing pouches from Fed Ex, but they're too disposable and flimsy. -- Signed, Wanda Wardrobe"
Wanda-- Label It Now offers incredible storage bin labels-- you should use these. Even though we only recommend clear or opaque storage containers to Clients, sometimes we're stuck with what they already have, or we're forced to use cardboard boxes for unusually shaped items (like a baby carriage or small Christmas Tree.) Problem is, tape always falls off a few months later, and duct tape is ugly. Of course you can always write on the box with magic marker, but you won't be able to re-use the box.
Because we really feel once the clutter is cleared, part of the fun in organizing is making things look beautiful-- even in utility areas. To aid that, we searched this product out. These organizing labels are heavy duty and they come with card-stock inserts and genuine 3M sticky on the back. Just pull off the paper tab and stick onto your your garment bag, slipping the Polaroid inside the pouch or labeling the card. Our secret tip is to tag your melamine cabinets in the garage (or your wardrobe trailer) too-- like we did for this Santa Monica, California garage pictured in our post. You'll save time opening up each cabinet looking for your stuff.
Obviously, you won't want to use these in your butler's pantry or media cabinet, but for pure utility needs, Label It Now labels will work nicely.
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